Music Producer / Songwriter / Mix Engineer

6 Live Online Modules/classes
NEXT COURSE START DATE: Sunday 23 February 2025 15:00 GMT (UK TIME)

6 live module classes with Aubrey
6 live module classes with Aubrey that will teach you all of the mixing and mastering techniques used by top producers in an easy-to-follow format.
Suitable for all skill and experience levels
The course has been designed for all skill and experience levels. Whether you want to learn basic mixing, or want to delve into more advanced techniques - this course covers it all!
Bonus Masterclass: 'How to Tune Vocals Using Melodyne'
Finished the course? You have a bonus masterclass to watch on how you can tune modern sounding vocals using Celemony Melodyne. Learn how to become a master vocal tuner!
Lifetime Access to all course materials
Need to watch a class again? Watch any or all of the class modules as many times as you like with lifetime access to all recordings and course materials.
Suitable for users of all DAWs
Every technique taught throughout the course can be replicated in any DAW you choose; whether that's Pro Tools, FL Studio, Ableton or Cubase. Aubrey uses Logic Pro.
Bonus Masterclass featuring some of the best plugins available
Want to know which plugins are used by the pros? Want to learn how to use them and how to use them? Watch your 2nd bonus masterclass on 'Plugin Deep Dives' and learn about the best plugins available.
Printable class resources with each module
Each module also comes with a selection of printable class materials such as desktop guides, guidance booklets and infographics to further support your learning.
WhatsApp & Email Support
Got a mix question on Thursday and need help? Text Aubrey for support. Aubrey is there to answer any mixing or mastering questions throughout the length of the course
Course Certificate Upon Completion
Upon completion of the course you will receive a digital course certificate 'Certificate in Professional Mixing and Mastering' which has shared integration with LinkedIn
7 in-depth modules
Each module will teach you the core concepts and advanced capabilities of a range of mixing and mastering techniques used by top level music producers and mix engineers.

Module 1: Mixing A Song from Start to Finish
In this first module you will learn how Aubrey approaches her mixes for a major record label. Watch live as she mixes and masters a song from start to finish.
Learn top mixing techniques, plugins, templates and approaches to kickstart your learning.
Module 2: Preparing to Mix
In your second module you will delve into the capabilities of your DAW in preparing to mix.
You'll take an in-depth look at Aubrey's own DAW mixing template which is used for mixing tracks for major record labels.
You'll learn how to prepare your own mixing template including sound plug-in choices, arrangement and organisation.
You'll also learn about the importance of Gain Staging in achieving clean sounding mixes and optimising your mixing environment (i.e acoustic treatment) to get the best sound possible in your room

Module 3: EQ and Tonal Balance
Module 3 will explore one of the most important mixing tools available - Equalisation.
You'll learn about the different EQ filters and their uses, surgical EQ vs tonal EQ as well as more advanced EQ techniques including mid/side EQ, dynamic EQ, and the differences between linear phase EQ and minimum phase EQ.
You'll also hear in real-time how to EQ drums and vocals properly in your mix.
Module 4: Compression & Dynamics
Module 4 will deep dive into the art of compression and dynamics.
You'll learn how to use a compressor properly, systematically learn what threshold, ratio, attack and release controls do.
You'll also learn about the more advanced compression techniques including multi-band compression, sidechain compression, parallel compression, upward vs downward compression and effective bus compression.
You'll also watch as Aubrey treats the kick and bass in a mix and uses compression to fix problems in the mix.

Module 5: Creating Depth & Space in the Mix
Module 5 is where you'll get creative. You will learn about the different types of reverb and their uses, the different types of delay and their uses, and how subtle distortion can really add power and weight to thin and lifeless sounding instruments.
You'll also learn about the advantages of using automation to control plugins to add additional depth and creativity to vocals and instruments.
Module 6: Modern Mastering
In this final module you will learn the key techniques to master your own songs. You'll learn key mastering techniques and how to apply them correctly to your mix, you'll learn about metering (LUFS, RMS and True Peak) to ensure your tracks are optimised for the streaming platforms, and you'll learn how to get competitively loud mixes.
You will also learn to develop your own go-to mastering chain and how to test your masters for optimal results.
Finally, you'll learn about stereo imaging and how to identify phase correlation issues in your master.

Bonus Masterclass 1
How to Tune Vocals Using Melodyne
In addition, you will also get access to 2 additional masterclasses to enhance your learning.
In this first bonus masterclass you will learn how to effectively use Celemony's Melodyne to tune vocals. Including setting the correct scales, note splitting, pitch drift, alignment and modulation.

Bonus Masterclass 2
Plugin Deep-Dives
Your second bonus masterclass will see Aubrey delve into some of her most used and recommended plugins. You'll see what the top pros are using and how to use some of the best plugins available to enhance your mixes.

Aubrey Whitfield is a Music Producer, Songwriter and Mix Engineer from the UK. She has worked with the likes of Little Mix, The Shires, Kelly Clarkson, J-Fla, Simon Webbe (Blue), George Shelley (Union J) and is a go-to writer/producer for EMI, Universal and BMG. Many of her songs have been featured in TV and film, including Netflix Shows Love Is Blind, Love Never Lies as well as popular shows Love Island, Coronation Street, Home & Away and Hollyoaks.
Aubrey has been teaching music production and mixing to her 150k+ Instagram followers for a number of years via a mixture of informative posts and Reels. Due to demand, she started running online Masterclasses in 2022 and has since successfully run over 16 online courses.
Check out what other students are saying:

Nyssa Ray
“I'm so glad I signed up to do this course taught by UK producer power house Aubrey Whitfield. It was beyond valuable to learn new techniques and even re-learn some fundamentals I'd forgotten about mixing and mastering. I've been implementing her teaching into every project since taking the course and my clients couldn't be happier with quality of my productions. Thanks Aubrey”


Jo Maloney
"I have learnt more from Aubrey’s courses in the last 6 months than I have in 6 years and I can now actually visualise making a career in music production. You are provided with support and feedback whenever you need it from Aubrey and I never once felt silly when asking her a question. Aubrey has a knack for making all of her students feel incredibly comfortable no matter what your skill level. Aubrey’s courses have been a game-changer and I can’t wait to start my 4th one later on in the year.”

Lisa McKenzie
"I’ve taken several courses with Aubrey so far, and I’ve been growing so much as a producer as a result. She is so generous with her knowledge, expertise, and making her courses accessible, that it’s obvious she really wants everyone to grow and thrive in their music careers. She has a knack for clarifying complicated concepts and processes and making goals feel so much more achievable. I highly recommend Aubrey as a teacher and mentor!”


Lily Brokenshire
“I learnt things in producing and mixing that I never knew existed! I am so pleased I found Aubrey and her courses because I’m able to learn online with a really energetic and warm producer/teacher and my skills have sky rocketed. I have just bypassed years of learning in 6 weeks”


Steven Jackson
"I took Aubrey's Mixing and Mastering Course and it was outstanding! I learned a lot from the entire course but what stood out to me was how she took one of the most complex and misunderstood subjects of mixing (Compression) explained and demonstrated it in the most clear and concise way I have ever seen. She makes it all so clear. A true worthwhile course".

Ready? Enrol online and start the course today:
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